The Business Bulb

Ramy Habib
4 min readMar 7, 2022

A Business man Sees a Scientist creating a new type of a bulb for light, he goes over to him and says I want to work with you, the scientist says it’s against the morals of the project to sell now, the Business man goes and steels the blue prints and sells the bulb, then the scientist starts selling his after getting done with it, the business man fails as his product is faulty and pricy, the scientist tells him okay I’ll buy your failure and modify the proper way, the business man was glad and created a new bulb using expertise of hired scientists, and sells a bit, but the scientist has already made a fortune, and doesn’t require to buy the businessman bulb project again, so the businessman sells the project to another business man, and asks him to do the same selling it to the Scientist conglomerate, the scientist said, as the greedy man tried to sell you something that is a failure too, I will take it from you for free under the condition you place him in Jail, the other business man agreed, and they both placed the thieving businessman in Jail

The Scientist: Send him Some of his Failed Bulbs to see what kind of mistakes he sold to people, this immoral imbecile

Another Scientist: I have some types of food and clothes he sold too

Another Scientist: I already placed him in the Failed Prison he created

The Business Man: You all Stole my Father’s life in older days, he was a scientist too

The Scientist: My Father was the one who taught your father, and his fathers, and the other fathers you little miserable ignorant … It’s the Conscience that we are looking for in our dreams, not the fortune it makes

The Business Man: …. Have Mercy and let me know When will I be out?

The Scientist: When we need thieves, who think they deserve ownership of things their masters denied them

The Judge: Do you think we will need deserving Thieves?

The Business Man: No Sir ?!

The Strategist: Stool Fool, there is a use for everything out there, but because you are a fool, you think less of the powers granted to you

The Teacher: I’ll Teach Him, … Finally Some Work to Be Done

The Business Man: You Need thieves?

The Teacher: Of course not fool, but your first lesson is required to be taught to you by yourself, and that would be what does a thief do and what’s the positive side of that job

The Businessman: Teach about thievery, or show others how it’s done to be aware .. ?

The Teacher: Still looking to take a teaching job even though you can’t even teach your crooked self, Think less of your crookedness, and identifying theft in a good moral way

The Business Man: Thief is the one who sees a thing and requires to own it, and seeks ways to be able to without getting caught

The Teacher: In Other Terms, a Guy who has or sees a dream or a goal and wants to accomplish it, and learn and plan his way to achieve it without having a bad outcome, so in a way, you need to change your conscience perspective from being immoral to moral, and then you can be able to be the same thief but in a good way

The Businessman: But I’m good the way I am

The Teacher: Yeah getting caught at the end, framed, and forced to eat your shit, seems successful !!

The Business Man: You Are a Good teacher

The Teacher: Manipulative

The Businessman: I Mean it

The Teacher: A Lier Means every word with a clear conscience

The Businessman: Won’t be an Actor then, I think

The Teacher: She was released a long time ago, and you won’t be easily taught if you keep looking for a way out other than yours .. So find a good dream that fits your experience and profession and go through thinking of it, and whatever you need is the things you sold out that had faults in it

Teacher Stormed out,
Businessman Locked in His prison,
His Failed Scientific Failed Projects All-Around

His Mind Says: What if I wanted to be all of them … ?!

Voice Responded: and you failed, you can even steal success and send me this type of failure of yours if you wish, … as it’s not the money nor fame that drives you, you want to be a lazy successful being just like me, although you were not lazy to think properly how to get what you want, and I assure you, it will never suit you

Businessman: God ?!?

The Voice: I Wished that Too … but indirectly accidently you little stool fool



Ramy Habib

I’m a Communication Engineer, who is an Art and Philosophy Enthusiast